Welcome to the Democratic Black Caucus of Palm Beach County

Our Strategic Plan reflects input we gathered from Democrats of varying economic levels, local activists, and experts across Palm Beach County.

Our Core Belief

The core belief of the Democratic Black Caucus is a fair shot for all. Whereas, Palm Beach County Democrats fight for job creation, quality housing, strong schools, and an economy that works for all residents of Palm Beach County, not just the affluent.

Since our inception, we have championed for our cause. However, there is still work to be done to ensure our vision for Palm Beach County residents becomes a reality.

Our Strategic Plan

We are confident that by implementing this Strategic Plan, we can get leaders from Palm Beach County, elected to the White House. Our plan includes:

  • Recruiting and training strong, progressive candidates

  • Building a modern, long-term political infrastructure succession plan

  • Clear and consistent communication of our (Democratic Black Caucus) values

The strength of our movement in Palm Beach County depends on all of us working together. Your support, participation and unyielding commitment to these priorities will be the key to changing our county and state for the betterment of all. We invite you to get involved.

Your Voice

Representatives of the Democratic Black Caucus Party is revisiting their Strategic Plan to ensure it is up to date and in-line with today’s concerns of Palm Beach County residents. In doing so, we would like to hear from you. We encourage you, our stakeholders, to share your concerns and hold us, the party and our elected officials accountable on the things that impact your growth and family values.


Based on preliminary conversation, the concerns are:

  • Property taxes

  • Criminal reform and recidivism

  • Youth programs

  • Affordable housing

  • Quality healthcare

  • Higher education

  • Social injustice

  • Job creation and economic security

  • Quality K-12 education

  • Protecting the environment

  • A tax system that benefits the working and middle class

  • Safe neighborhoods and schools

Our Path Forward

  1. Recruiting and training strong progressive candidates

The creation of a succession plan for effective public servants dedicated to our values is key to moving the Black Caucus forward. That is why the Palm Beach County Democratic Black Caucus is committed to recruiting and training candidates who are dedicated to their communities, running effective campaigns, WINNING, and enacting positive change once elected.

  • Develop a blueprint to build the next generation of leaders by implementing a leadership program. This new program combines in-person trainings and webinars so that progressive candidates have the tools they need to run smart, winning campaigns.

  • The leadership campaign program should be active in every election cycle, working in partnership with our local county committees.

  • To find out more about our Leadership Development Program, visit dbcpalmbeach,org.

  1. Building a modern, long-term political infrastructure

The Palm Beach County Democratic Black Caucus will be uniquely positioned to work as the hub of progressive electoral work in the county. The caucus will build long-term institutional infrastructure in the following ways:

  • Support effective local organizing by providing regular training to individuals and allied groups

  • Invest in municipal and county elections to ensure that the decisions being made at the local level benefit working citizens

  • Establish a network of grassroots donors

  • Cultivate a network of county and municipal leaders who provide leadership and consistency to our modernized organizing effort

  • Engage with other political and community groups to increase the impact we have across the county

Building at the local level works both ways. While the Caucus can provide resources and expertise, we will also regularly seek the organizing ability and advice of activists in their communities. This will create a powerful partnership that can harness the energy, enthusiasm, and talents across our county to make sure our leaders put the best interest of Palm Beach County residents first.

  1. Clearly and consistently communicating our Democratic values

The Palm Beach County Democratic Black Caucus must be clear about what and who we are fighting for. Residents should never again have to ask, “What do Democrats believe in?” Our message must be clear as day: The Black Democratic Caucus is fighting for a fair shot for all residents. By working together to increase economic opportunity, security, and social equality, we can build a fairer county where no one is marginalized.

  • This begins by improving communication internally. By coordinating with our Democratic officeholders, local leadership, and allies, the Black Caucus can lead on making our message more streamlined and consistent.

  • The next step is to amplify that message effectively in a rapidly changing media landscape — and that means producing our own content in addition to working closely with the traditional press.

  • Additionally, we must clearly communicate the difference between the policies we promote as Democrats and the divisive policies of the Republican Party — not just in moral implication, but in real, concrete consequence on the lives of residents. It is imperative the Palm Beach County Black Caucus grow its communications team and increase collaboration to enhance our communications at the local, state, and national levels. The caucus must develop a strong message and communications strategy to hold our oppositions accountable.

Michael Coleman


Feel free to contact us at blackcaucus@dbcpalmbeach.org

Contact Us

Email us at blackcaucus@dbcpalmbeach.org

Please visit our website at dbcpalmbeach.org to learn how you can get involved with DBCPBC

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